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错误方法 正确方法  






说明:180°弯曲安装,长度过短时,会产 生过度弯曲;应大于最小弯曲半径安装。

180 ° bend,radius should belarge than min bend radius to avoid bend excessive.






说明:不允许小于最小弯曲半径,应安装刚 性弯头。


Avoid impermissible deflection behind the connection fittings by use for rigid pipe bends,observe Min bending radius.






说明:运动方向与软管轴线应在同一平面 内,以避免产生扭转应力。


Direction of movement and hose axis must lie in one plane to avoid torsion stress.






说明:长度较长时,易出现下垂,此时应安 装滚筒和托架。


Protect the hose line form sagging behind the fittings by means of a support,A pulley or guiding may be installed.





说明:避免产生交变应力,安装刚性弯头以 消除交变应力和过度弯曲。


Installing rigid pipe bends to avoid torsion stress and bending excessive.






说明:运动方向与软管轴线在同一平面内, 以避免产生扭转应力。


Direction of movement and hose axis must lie in one plane to aviod torsion stress.







说明:运动方向与软管轴线应在同一平面 内,以避免产生扭曲损坏。


Direction of movement and hose axis muse lie in one plane to avoid torsion stress.






说明:自由弯曲安装时,软管应避免墙壁、 其他物体和地面磨擦。


Avoid rubbing between hose and wall,ground by appllying appreciate method.








Avoid excessive bending stress by a pulley.






说明:即使在普通场合,也安装刚性弯头以 避免过度弯曲。


Avoid bengding excessice by application of rigid pipe bend.





说明:如无法避免外部机械拉伸(如在地面 上频繁拖动),应外覆保护层。


If there is no possibility of avoiding exterior mechanical strain(such as dragging frequency on the ground),the protection wrap.